Other areas of Cardiff are seeing millions of pounds of investment in parks. All we are asking is that Children in Danescourt get a fair share.
Local Conservative Councillor Sean Driscoll who is also a school governor in Danescourt said: "I'm pleased I've been able to get some investment from the council to repair the fencing and gates and to secure the play area. I have also secured repairs to the swings, new wood chip flooring and some new equipment. But much more needs to be done to upgrade the park."
Conservative candidate Matt Smith said: "We don't begrudge other areas in Cardiff having investment in parks. But major investment in Matthew Walk park is long overdue. We need safe play all weather surfaces. It is nice to have a kick about and play on the grass but it's not always suitable when it's wet and muddy."
Local Conservatives have lobbied the council's cabinet members for Leisure and Parks for more funds and requested the resurfacing of the MUGA that is a danger to children who play on it, as a matter of urgency.